Monica Davis

For Lexington Town Meeting, Precinct 5


I am honored to have been elected to represent Precinct 5 in Town Meeting for the next three years.  Thank you to everyone who voted and to all who helped to support my candidacy.

I look forward to working with other Town Meeting members in Precinct 5 and across Lexington to address the important issues facing the town.  

I want to keep hearing from Precinct 5 residents!  Here you can find instructions on how to contact your Town Meeting members.  

2025 Annual Town Election

Monday, March 3, 2025      7:00 AM to 8:00 PM

 Precinct 5 votes at CARY MEMORIAL BUILDING, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue

Monica Davis for Lexington Town Meeting

Why vote for me?

Lexington is facing major decisions which will have significant impact on residents, especially Lexington's children.  We all need to be engaged in these discussions.  I have actively participated in town-wide discussions on issues such as the 2019 school redistricting process and literacy education in our schools.  It is time to take a more formal role by joining our unique representative Town Meeting governing process.  I believe in transparency and understanding the facts before making informed decisions on the questions brought to Town Meeting.  I hope that Precinct 5 voters will appreciate this and support my candidacy, especially in light of the very important issues facing the town.

Major issues for 2025 include:

My current positions on these issues are:

I am in favor of Lexington continuing to add multi-family housing, expanding public transportation options for Lexington residents, and providing housing options that are alternatives to ever-more-expensive, ever-larger single-family homes.  We need to do this to address climate change and to maintain diversity in our town population.  But we need to figure out how to do this in a planned manner and on a scale compatible with the rest of our infrastructure and town services.

For these and all other issues, I look forward to hearing the discussions and presentations during Town Meeting and I will maintain an open mind prior to voting. 

Community Experience


Community volunteer activities

Please share this website with other Lexington residents of Precinct 5 and encourage them to vote on March 3rd, 2025

Monday, March 3, 2025 at CARY MEMORIAL BUILDING, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue

Election Day Hours: 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Deadline to Register to vote: Friday, February 21, 2025, at 5:00 PM

Vote By Mail Application Deadline: Monday, February 24, at 5:00 PM

See for more information

Find out more about Precinct 5 candidates:

League of Women Voters Candidate Night, Thursday, February 13, 7 pm at Clarke Middle School 

Read candidate positions for the 2025 Annual Town Election

Read Candidate Responses to a Lexington Observer Q&A

Questions or Comments?  Please email DAVISforLexTM <at> gmail <dot> com, or use this form.

Thank you for your support!